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About Us

www.smartonlinecourse.co.in is a premier platform offering Online as well as physical training on Risk Management, Insurance, Banking, Soft Skills and other related areas for UPSKILL and RESKILL. This platform has been developed by Yuni Learning Solution Private Limited, a group entity of Bimabazaar Group, leaders in financial education and training for the last 4 decades. 

The Bimabazaar group publishes Journals/Books on Insurance, Banking, and provides training in insurance/banking/risk management related areas. Till date, more than 1 lakh learners have been imparted training in various courses. The group has also initiated two popular portals www.bimabazaar.com and www.bankingfinance.in

In the year 1992, the Bimabazaar Group was also instrumental in establishing the Risk Management Association of India, a global body dedicated to the cause of education, research, and development in the field of Risk Management. 

RMAI as it is popularly known is a platform for professionals across industries to exchange resources relating to risk management, encourage research and development, and provide courses on risk management, conduct webinars, conferences, etc.

In India, there has been an Edutech revolution with a lot of companies targeting students for online education. They have been quite successful to tap the segment. But still, a grey area exists for working professionals in various sectors who need to upskill themselves to stay relevant in the industry and look for opportunities. 

 As the challenges to businesses increase, the need for multi-skilled people will also increase to streamline costs and increase efficiency. Companies will need to implement best business practices and invest in the most important wheel of the business, its people.

This is where we visualize that our platform smartonline.co.in can play a major role in the transformation of the lives of working professionals. Smartonlinecourse will be a yuni(que) marketplace with multi-faceted courses on innovative and dynamic subjects from expert professionals which will help working professionals to reskill themselves and make them competitive so that they remain ever relevant for the company and contribute to the positive growth of their company.

Based on our exhaustive experience of promoters for the last 4 decades in the education industry, we believe we can make a meaningful contribution to enrich the human resources and make them a valuable asset for the organization. 



Transforming lives through innovative digital learning


Empowering every professional to be future ready through e-learning anytime, anywhere